Complex and Technological Hazards

Term Level Definition Source
Complex disaster Group Subgroup Type Subtype Major famine situation for which drought was not the main causal factor. Removed from EM-DAT in September 2023.1 EM-DAT
Industrial accident Subgroup Type Subtype (General) Disaster type term used in EM-DAT to describe technological accidents of an industrial nature/involving industrial buildings (e.g. factories). EM-DAT
Miscellaneous accident Subgroup Type Subtype (General) Disaster type term used in EM-DAT to describe technological accidents of a non-industrial or transport nature (e.g., involving houses). EM-DAT
Chemical spill Type Subtype Accident release occurring during the production, transportation, or handling of hazardous chemical substances. EM-DAT
Collapse (Industrial) (Miscellaneous) Type Subtype Accident involving the collapse of a building or structure. Can either involve industrial structures or domestic/non-industrial structures. EM-DAT
Explosion (Industrial) (Miscellaneous) Type Subtype Explosions involving buildings or structures. Can involve industrial structures. EM-DAT
Fire (Industrial) (Miscellaneous) Type Subtype Urban fire involving buildings or structures. Can involve industrial structures. EM-DAT2
Gas leak Type Subtype
Oil spill Type Subtype
Poisoning Type Subtype Poisoning of atmosphere or water courses due to industrial sources of contamination. EM-DAT
Radiation Type Subtype
Transport accident Subgroup Disaster type term used to describe technological transport accidents involving mechanized modes of transport. It comprises four disaster subtypes (i.e., Air, Water, Rail, and Road). EM-DAT
Air Type Subtype Transport accidents involving airplanes, helicopters, airships, and balloons. EM-DAT
Water Type Subtype Transport accidents involving sailing boats, ferries, cruise ships, and other vessels. EM-DAT
Rail Type Subtype Transport accidents involving trains. EM-DAT
Road Type Subtype Transport accidents involving motor vehicles on roads and tracks. EM-DAT

  1. EM-DAT substantial modifications and references to legacy data are available in the release note section. ↩︎

  2. Urban fire is a former class that is now either described as “Fire (industrial)” or “Fire (miscellaneous).” ↩︎