Ways to Contribute


CRED regularly collaborates with researchers and institutions to improve the quality and use of disaster impact data. You can help us in various ways:

  • By reporting errors in the database (see Issue Reporting).
  • By sending us the results of your work if it could improve the quality and completeness of the EM-DAT database.
  • By answering calls for projects together for research or technological development.
  • By doing an internship, a thesis, or a PhD with or in partnership with the CRED.

If you are considering a project that could directly benefit EM-DAT by improving global reporting of disaster-related impacts, we recommended that you contact the EM-DAT team to consider possible improvements of the database and thus add value to your results. For projects directly involving the CRED, however, we cannot accept all the opportunities for collaboration offered to us. We prioritize projects directly related to disaster epidemiology or that allow us to improve the coverage and quality of EM-DAT data substantially. If this applies to you, do not hesitate to contact us at the CRED.