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Data Structure and Content Description
- 1: General Definitions and Concepts
- 2: Core Structure of the Database
- 3: EM-DAT Public Table
- 4: Disaster Classification System
- 5: Classification Glossary
- 5.1: Biological Hazards
- 5.2: Climatological Hazards
- 5.3: Extra-terrestrial Hazards
- 5.4: Geophysical Hazards
- 5.5: Hydrological Hazards
- 5.6: Meteorological Hazards
- 5.7: Complex and Technological Hazards
- 6: Hazard and Disaster Magnitude Units
- 7: Impact Variables
- 8: Spatial Information and Geocoding
- 9: EM-DAT Sources of Information
1 - General Definitions and Concepts
EM-DAT was designed in 1988 based on an anthropocentric vision of disasters and emergencies1. It considers disasters to be events involving an unexpected and overwhelming harmful impact on human beings. Formally, EM-DAT’s definition of a disaster is:
Definition : Disaster
A situation or event which overwhelms local capacity, necessitating a request to the national or international level for external assistance; an unforeseen and often sudden event that causes great damage, destruction, and human suffering.EM-DAT inventories only disasters that fit its Inclusion Criteria. EM-DAT records both disasters triggered by natural hazards and technological disasters. The latter are unintentional accidents, and not situations of conflict, violence, or terrorism. For more details, we refer to the Disaster Classification System.
EM-DAT reports disaster impacts per country and per hazard type. However, for some disasters, this simple representation may not capture the situation’s complexity, systemic and composite effects, nor its subsequent uncertainties (see General issues).-
Guha-Sapir, D. and Misson, C.: The Development of a Database on Disasters, Disasters, 16, 74–80,, 1992. ↩︎
2 - Core Structure of the Database
EM-DAT data model records disasters and maps their impacts at the country level. Accordingly, the EM-DAT database references disasters with a unique identifier (see DisNo.
in Column Description). A disaster may affect more than one country. In EM-DAT, the country-specific information about the disaster is recorded as an “Impact.” The Impact is the level at which EM-DAT reports entries in the EM-DAT Public Table. To document each Impact, we cross-validate and select information from the sources that are available (see EM-DAT sources and Protocols).
EM-DAT Structure in a Nutshell
- A disaster in EM-DAT may have one or more impacts documented in different countries.
- Its impact may have one or more sources reporting country-related information.
- The country-related information, which is selected depending on the trustworthiness of the source, is reported in the public table.
The figure below provides a visual representation of the foundational structure of the EM-DAT database’s relational model. On the left is the core structure, and on the right, a hypothetical case serves as an illustrative example. To enhance clarity, the relations have been streamlined, omitting certain tables such as dictionaries, focusing solely on the main connections and the underlying logic of the database.
Cardinality, or the nature of the relationship between entities, is denoted by numbers or the letter “N” on each link. For instance, “1, N” signifies a one-to-many relationship. A clear example of this is the link between the “Disaster” and “Impact” tables. This implies that a single disaster entry might correspond to multiple impacts across various countries. Consider a flood affecting multiple nations, such as Belgium and Germany; the connection between these entries is facilitated by the shared DisNo.
The primary classification of a disaster, such as its main type, is housed in the “Disaster” table. Consequently, all impacts linked by the same DisNo.
will have a consistent primary disaster type. However, EM-DAT introduces a nuance with associated disasters linked to the “Impact” table. Unlike the main type, these associated disasters can vary by country. They represent secondary disasters that either result from or occur simultaneously with the main event. An example would be a landslide triggered by a primary flood event, which is considered to be an associated disaster. It’s important to note that associated disasters are optional, leading to their zero-to-many relationship with the “Impact” table.
Each source can provide data for any given variable within the Impact category. During the validation process (as detailed in Encoding, Quality Control, and Validation Procedure), one value is chosen for each variable, which is independent of other variables. Some figures presented in the EM-DAT Public Table are aggregates of various variables and might originate from multiple distinct sources. For example, figures for deaths and missing persons might be reported at different times after an event. After evaluating and selecting from the available data, the Total Deaths
column might consolidate information from various sources.
3 - EM-DAT Public Table
The EM-DAT Public Table is a flat representation of EM-DAT data in a single downloadable table. Most impact variables are part of the public table (see Impact Variables). The public table provides a flat view of the general structure in which each record (row) corresponds to a disaster impacting a country.
About empty cells
For given Impact Figures, empty cells could either refer to a disaster with no impact or a disaster with unknown or unreported impact. See aslo Accounting Biases.Column Description
Column Name | Type | Description |
DisNo. | ID, Mandatory | A unique 8-digit identifier including the year (4 digits) and a sequential number (4 digits) for each disaster event (i.e., 2004-0659). In the EM-DAT Public Table, the ISO country code is appended. See column ISO below. |
Historic | Yes/No, Mandatory | Binary field specifying whether or not the disaster happened before 2000, using the Start Year. Data before 2000 should be considered of lesser quality (see Time Bias). |
Classification Key | ID, Mandatory | A unique 15-character string identifying disasters in terms of the Group, Subgroup, Type and Subtype classification hierarchy. See Disaster Classification System. |
Disaster Group | Name, Mandatory | The disaster group, i.e., “Natural” or “Technological.” See Disaster Classification System. |
Disaster Subgroup | Name, Mandatory | The disaster subgroup. See Disaster Classification System. |
Disaster Type | Name, Mandatory | The disaster type. See Disaster Classification System. |
Disaster Subtype | Name, Mandatory | The disaster subtype. See Disaster Classification System. |
External IDs | IDs List, Optional | List of identifiers for external resources (GLIDE, USGS, DFO), in the format “<source>:<identifier>” and separated by the pipe character ("|"). |
Event Name | Optional | Short specification for disaster identification, e.g., storm names (e.g., “Mitch”), plane type in air crash (e.g., “Boeing 707”), disease name (e.g., “Cholera”), or volcano name (e.g., “Etna”). |
ISO | ID, Mandatory | The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3-letter code referring to the Country. The ISO 3166 norm is used. See Spatial Information and Geocoding. |
Country | Name, Mandatory | Country where the disaster occurred and had an impact, using names from the UN M49 Standard. See Spatial Information and Geocoding. If multiple countries are affected, each will have an entry linked to the same DisNo.. |
Subregion | Name, Mandatory | Subregion where the disaster occurred based on UN M49 standard, automatically linked to the Country field. See Spatial Information and Geocoding. |
Region | Name, Mandatory | Region or continent where the disaster occurred based on UN M49 standard, automatically linked to the Country field. See Spatial Information and Geocoding. |
Location | Text, Optional | Geographical location name as specified in the sources, e.g., city, village, department, province, state, or district. Used to identify corresponding GAUL Admin Units (see GAUL Index and Admin Levels). |
Origin | Text, Optional | Additional specifications on the contextual factors that led to the event, e.g., “heavy rains” for floods, or “drought” for a forest fire. |
Associated Types | Names List, Optional | List of secondary disaster types cascading from or co-occurring aside from the main type (optional), e.g., a landslide following a flood or an explosion after an earthquake. Separated by the pipe character ("|"). |
OFDA/BHA Response | Yes/No, Mandatory | Binary field specifying whether or not the (former) Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) or the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) responded to the disaster. |
Appeal | Yes/No, Mandatory | Binary field specifying whether or not there was a request for international assistance from the affected country. |
Declaration | Yes/No, Mandatory | Binary field specifying whether a state of emergency was declared in the country. |
AID Contribution (‘000 US$) | Unadjusted Monetary Amount (‘000 US$), Optional | The total amount (in thousands of US$ at the time of the report) of contributions for immediate relief activities to the country in response to the disaster, sourced from the Financial Tracking System of OCHA (1992 to 2015). Not maintained after 2015 due to a lack of availability of information. Some aid contribution information can be found at |
Magnitude | Disaster-Type-Dependent, Optional | The intensity of a specific disaster (see Hazard and Disaster Magnitude Units). |
Magnitude Scale | Disaster-Type-Dependent, Optional | The associated unit for the Magnitude column (see Hazard and Disaster Magnitude Units). |
Latitude | Degrees [-90;90], Optional | North-South coordinates mainly for earthquakes and volcanic activity. Sometimes reported for floods, landslides, and storms (mostly when associated with floods). |
Longitude | Degrees [-180;180], Optional | East-West coordinates mainly for earthquakes and volcanic activity. Sometimes reported for floods, landslides, and storms (mostly when associated with floods). |
River Basin | Text, Optional | Name of affected river basins, typically used for floods. |
Start Year | Numeric, Mandatory | Year of occurrence of the disaster. |
Start Month | Numeric, Optional | Month of occurrence of the disaster. For sudden-impact disasters, this field is well defined. For disasters developing gradually over a longer time period (e.g., drought) with no precise onset date, this field can be left blank. |
Start Day | Numeric, Optional | Day of occurrence of the disaster. For sudden-impact disasters, this field is well defined. For disasters developing gradually over a longer time period (e.g., drought) with no precise onset date, this field can be left blank. |
End Year | Numeric, Optional | Year of disaster conclusion. |
End Month | Numeric, Optional | Month of conclusion of the disaster. For sudden-impact disasters, this field is well defined. For disasters developing gradually over a longer time period (e.g., drought) with no precise end date, this field can be left blank. |
End Day | Numeric, Optional | Day of conclusion of the disaster. For sudden-impact disasters, this field is well defined. For disasters developing gradually over a longer time period (e.g., drought) with no precise end date, this field can be left blank. |
Total Deaths | Numeric, Optional | Total fatalities (deceased and missing combined, see Human Impact Variables). |
No. Injured | Numeric, Optional | Number of people with physical injuries, trauma, or illness requiring immediate medical assistance due to the disaster (see Human Impact Variables). |
No. Affected | Numeric, Optional | Number of people requiring immediate assistance due to the disaster (see Human Impact Variables). |
No. Homeless | Numeric, Optional | Number of people requiring shelter due to their house being destroyed or heavily damaged during the disaster (see Human Impact Variables). |
Total Affected | Numeric, Optional | Total number of affected people (No Injured, No Affected, and No Homeless combined, see Human Impact Variables). |
Reconstruction Costs (‘000 US$) | Unadjusted Monetary Amount (‘000 US$), Optional | Costs for replacement of lost assets in thousands of US dollars (‘000 US$) relative to Start Year, unadjusted for inflation (see Economic Impact Variables). |
Reconstruction Costs, Adjusted (‘000 US$) | Adjusted Monetary Amount (‘000 US$), Optional | Reconstruction Costs (‘000 US$), adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI column, see Economic Adjustment). |
Insured Damage (‘000 US$) | Unadjusted Monetary Amount (‘000 US$), Optional | Economic damage covered by insurance companies, in thousands of US dollars (‘000 US$), relative to Start Year, unadjusted for inflation (see Economic Impact Variables). |
Insured Damage, Adjusted (‘000 US$) | Adjusted Monetary Amount (‘000 US$), Optional | Insured Damage (‘000 US$) adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI column, see Economic Adjustment). |
Total Damage (‘000 US$) | Unadjusted Monetary Amount (‘000 US$), Optional | Value of all economic losses directly or indirectly due to the disaster, in thousands of US dollars (‘000 US$), relative to Start Year, unadjusted for inflation (see Economic Impact Variables). |
Total Damage, Adjusted (‘000 US$) | Adjusted Monetary Amount (‘000 US$), Optional | Total Damage (‘000 US$) adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI column, see Economic Adjustment). |
CPI | Conversion Ratio, Optional | Consumer Price Index from OECD used to adjust US$ values for inflation relative to Start Year (see Economic Adjustment). |
Admin Units | JSON Array of Objects, Optional |
Collection of impacted Administrative Units from the FAO GAUL 2015 referential (Global Administrative Unit Layers 2015). Individual objects correspond to Level-1 or Level-2 Administrative Units, with the corresponding fields adm1_code , adm1_name or adm2_code , adm2_name providing the unique identifier to the geometry in the GAUL layer and the name of the unit, respectively. Geocoding is maintained for non-biological natural hazards from 2000 onwards (see Spatial Information and Geocoding).
Entry Date | Date, Mandatory | The day on which the event record was created in EM-DAT. |
Last Update | Date, Mandatory | The last modification of the event or one of its associated records in EM-DAT. This may not result in a modification of the information in the EM-DAT Public Table as modifications to private fields are recorded as well. |
4 - Disaster Classification System
A Brief History of the EM-DAT Classification System
EM-DAT’s classification system originally started with a simple 20-type list1. However, in 1992, CRED and other international stakeholders proposed a hierarchical classification system2 that distinguishes natural and man-made disasters (described as technological disasters in EM-DAT). A further distinction was based on the timing of disasters: slow vs. rapid onset disasters.
In the 2000s, CRED collaborated with Munich Re and other stakeholders on a common classification system3. Since then, EM-DAT’s main classification system has followed the logic of referring to the hazard or event triggering the disaster. Consequently, some disasters were reclassified, and some types were removed from the primary classification system. This was the case for famines reclassified as drought for the most part4. However, “famine” offers more information than “drought.” Therefore, in order not to lose this added value, EM-DAT has adopted the secondary classification system of Associated Disasters. This describes disasters that coincide with or result from the primary type.
In 2014, the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) working group, which included CRED, established a new reference called the Peril Classification and Hazard Glossary. This document is currently the primary reference for classifying natural hazards in EM-DAT, which divides them into six main groups: Geophysical, Hydrological, Meteorological, Climatological, Biological, and Extra-terrestrial. EM-DAT also includes more detailed subtypes.
More recently, in 2021, the ISC and UNDRR released Hazard Information Profiles (HIPs). This document regroups and defines more than 300 hazards that have the potential to impact a community. In March 2023, the CRED discussed HIPs during its Scientific and Technological Advisory Group (STAG) meeting in Brussels. As a result, the CRED is working on a roadmap to make its classification system interoperable with HIPs.Main Classification Tree
Changes in the Classification Tree
In September 2023, the EM-DAT Classification Tree was updated and simplified to facilitate user queries and filtering. The current tree, which is based on four depth levels, replaces the former tree with three plus two optional depth levels. The ‘Complex’ disaster group was removed (14 entries). If you wish to establish the correspondence between new and former disaster types, you may download this backup of EM-DAT prior to the update and join the two datasets based on theDisNo.
The main classification tree has four levels of depth, so disasters are divided into groups, subgroups, types, and subtypes, as presented in the EM-DAT Public Table columns. The two EM-DAT disaster groups are ‘Natural’ and ‘Technological’. The table below shows the complete tree for the ‘Natural’ and ‘Technological’ groups, with the occurrence for each subtype. Their corresponding definitions are available in the Classification Glossary.
Classification Key | Group | Subgroup | Type | Subtype | Count5 |
nat-bio-ani-ani | Natural | Biological | Animal incident | Animal incident | 1 |
nat-bio-epi-bac | Natural | Biological | Epidemic | Bacterial disease | 781 |
nat-bio-epi-dis | Natural | Biological | Epidemic | Infectious disease (General) | 142 |
nat-bio-epi-fun | Natural | Biological | Epidemic | Fungal disease | 0 |
nat-bio-epi-par | Natural | Biological | Epidemic | Parasitic disease | 51 |
nat-bio-epi-pri | Natural | Biological | Epidemic | Prion disease | 0 |
nat-bio-epi-vir | Natural | Biological | Epidemic | Viral disease | 547 |
nat-bio-inf-gra | Natural | Biological | Infestation | Grasshopper infestation | 16 |
nat-bio-inf-inf | Natural | Biological | Infestation | Infestation (General) | 9 |
nat-bio-inf-loc | Natural | Biological | Infestation | Locust infestation | 67 |
nat-bio-inf-wor | Natural | Biological | Infestation | Worms infestation | 3 |
nat-cli-dro-dro | Natural | Climatological | Drought | Drought | 804 |
nat-cli-glo-glo | Natural | Climatological | Glacial lake outburst flood | Glacial lake outburst flood | 3 |
nat-cli-wil-for | Natural | Climatological | Wildfire | Forest fire | 317 |
nat-cli-wil-lan | Natural | Climatological | Wildfire | Land fire (Brush, Bush, Pasture) | 92 |
nat-cli-wil-wil | Natural | Climatological | Wildfire | Wildfire (General) | 53 |
nat-ext-imp-air | Natural | Extra-terrestrial | Impact | Airburst | 0 |
nat-ext-imp-col | Natural | Extra-terrestrial | Impact | Collision | 1 |
nat-ext-spa-ene | Natural | Extra-terrestrial | Space weather | Energetic particles | 0 |
nat-ext-spa-geo | Natural | Extra-terrestrial | Space weather | Geomagnetic storm | 0 |
nat-ext-spa-rad | Natural | Extra-terrestrial | Space weather | Radio disturbance | 0 |
nat-ext-spa-sho | Natural | Extra-terrestrial | Space weather | Shockwave | 0 |
nat-geo-ear-gro | Natural | Geophysical | Earthquake | Ground movement | 1544 |
nat-geo-ear-tsu | Natural | Geophysical | Earthquake | Tsunami | 57 |
nat-geo-mmd-ava | Natural | Geophysical | Mass movement (dry) | Avalanche (dry) | 5 |
nat-geo-mmd-lan | Natural | Geophysical | Mass movement (dry) | Landslide (dry) | 30 |
nat-geo-mmd-roc | Natural | Geophysical | Mass movement (dry) | Rockfall (dry) | 9 |
nat-geo-mmd-sub | Natural | Geophysical | Mass movement (dry) | Sudden Subsidence (dry) | 1 |
nat-geo-vol-ash | Natural | Geophysical | Volcanic activity | Ash fall | 249 |
nat-geo-vol-lah | Natural | Geophysical | Volcanic activity | Lahar | 0 |
nat-geo-vol-lav | Natural | Geophysical | Volcanic activity | Lava flow | 10 |
nat-geo-vol-pyr | Natural | Geophysical | Volcanic activity | Pyroclastic flow | 4 |
nat-geo-vol-vol | Natural | Geophysical | Volcanic activity | Volcanic activity (General) | 9 |
nat-hyd-flo-coa | Natural | Hydrological | Flood | Coastal flood | 85 |
nat-hyd-flo-fla | Natural | Hydrological | Flood | Flash flood | 831 |
nat-hyd-flo-flo | Natural | Hydrological | Flood | Flood (General) | 2283 |
nat-hyd-flo-ice | Natural | Hydrological | Flood | Ice jam flood | 0 |
nat-hyd-flo-riv | Natural | Hydrological | Flood | Riverine flood | 2657 |
nat-hyd-mmw-ava | Natural | Hydrological | Mass movement (wet) | Avalanche (wet) | 121 |
nat-hyd-mmw-lan | Natural | Hydrological | Mass movement (wet) | Landslide (wet) | 609 |
nat-hyd-mmw-mud | Natural | Hydrological | Mass movement (wet) | Mudslide | 79 |
nat-hyd-mmw-roc | Natural | Hydrological | Mass movement (wet) | Rockfall (wet) | 3 |
nat-hyd-mmw-sub | Natural | Hydrological | Mass movement (wet) | Sudden Subsidence (wet) | 1 |
nat-hyd-wav-rog | Natural | Hydrological | Wave action | Rogue wave | 0 |
nat-hyd-wav-sei | Natural | Hydrological | Wave action | Seiche | 0 |
nat-met-ext-col | Natural | Meteorological | Extreme temperature | Cold wave | 311 |
nat-met-ext-hea | Natural | Meteorological | Extreme temperature | Heat wave | 259 |
nat-met-ext-sev | Natural | Meteorological | Extreme temperature | Severe winter conditions | 79 |
nat-met-fog-fog | Natural | Meteorological | Fog | Fog | 1 |
nat-met-sto-bli | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Blizzard/Winter storm | 226 |
nat-met-sto-der | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Derecho | 6 |
nat-met-sto-ext | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Extra-tropical storm | 148 |
nat-met-sto-hai | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Hail | 111 |
nat-met-sto-lig | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Lightning/Thunderstorms | 189 |
nat-met-sto-san | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Sand/Dust storm | 20 |
nat-met-sto-sev | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Severe weather | 263 |
nat-met-sto-sto | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Storm (General) | 898 |
nat-met-sto-sur | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Storm surge | 7 |
nat-met-sto-tor | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Tornado | 296 |
nat-met-sto-tro | Natural | Meteorological | Storm | Tropical cyclone | 2492 |
tec-ind-che-che | Technological | Industrial accident | Chemical spill | Chemical spill | 108 |
tec-ind-col-col | Technological | Industrial accident | Collapse (Industrial) | Collapse (Industrial) | 181 |
tec-ind-exp-exp | Technological | Industrial accident | Explosion (Industrial) | Explosion (Industrial) | 778 |
tec-ind-fir-fir | Technological | Industrial accident | Fire (Industrial) | Fire (Industrial) | 219 |
tec-ind-gas-gas | Technological | Industrial accident | Gas leak | Gas leak | 61 |
tec-ind-ind-ind | Technological | Industrial accident | Industrial accident (General) | Industrial accident (General) | 124 |
tec-ind-oil-oil | Technological | Industrial accident | Oil spill | Oil spill | 8 |
tec-ind-poi-poi | Technological | Industrial accident | Poisoning | Poisoning | 76 |
tec-ind-rad-rad | Technological | Industrial accident | Radiation | Radiation | 9 |
tec-mis-col-col | Technological | Miscellaneous accident | Collapse (Miscellaneous) | Collapse (Miscellaneous) | 305 |
tec-mis-exp-exp | Technological | Miscellaneous accident | Explosion (Miscellaneous) | Explosion (Miscellaneous) | 220 |
tec-mis-fir-fir | Technological | Miscellaneous accident | Fire (Miscellaneous) | Fire (Miscellaneous) | 788 |
tec-mis-mis-mis | Technological | Miscellaneous accident | Miscellaneous accident (General) | Miscellaneous accident (General) | 275 |
tec-tra-air-air | Technological | Transport | Air | Air | 1089 |
tec-tra-rai-rai | Technological | Transport | Rail | Rail | 645 |
tec-tra-roa-roa | Technological | Transport | Road | Road | 2857 |
tec-tra-wat-wat | Technological | Transport | Water | Water | 1624 |
Associated Disasters
In addition to the main classification system, EM-DAT makes it possible to refer to “associated disasters” to describe disaster events in more details (see Associated Dis
in EM-DAT Public Table). They represent subsequent or co-occurring hazards that may have contributed to the disaster impact. These associated disasters may not fit into the main classification system and do not have a hierarchical structure. This additional tagging system allows for a better description of disaster events, particularly multi-hazard ones. The figure below shows the main associations found in the database.
About 14% of disaster entries in EM-DAT have an associated disaster type, and only 3% mention two associated types. The most common associations are floods with landslides (24% of associations), storms with floods (21%), and storms with landslides (8%). Earthquakes are sometimes associated with landslides (4%) and tsunamis (4%) when their damage is deemed negligible compared to ground movement damage.
Guha-Sapir, D. and Misson, C.: The Development of a Database on Disasters, Disasters, 16, 74–80,, 1992. ↩︎
DHA-UNDRO, IDNDR, UNEP, WFP, WHO/PAHO, USAID/FHA, IFRC, and CRED: Proposed principles and guidelines for the collection and dissemination of disaster-related data, Brussels, Belgium, 1992. ↩︎
Below, R., Wirtz, A., and Guha-Sapir, D.: Disaster Category Classification and peril Terminology for Operational Purposes, Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, Munich Re, Brussels, Belgium, 2009. ↩︎
Below, R., Grover-Kopec, E., and Dilley, M.: Documenting Drought-Related Disasters: A Global Reassessment, The Journal of Environment & Development, 16, 328–344,, 2007. ↩︎
Number of disasters that occurred at the country level in EM-DAT (1900-present) as of September 5, 2023. ↩︎
5 - Classification Glossary
EM-DAT’s definitions related to the group of natural hazards mainly refer to the IRDR Peril Classification and Hazard Glossary (see A Brief History of the EM-DAT Classification System). These are reported in the following sections by disaster subgroups.
EM-DAT definitions related to the groups of complex disasters and technological hazards are listed separately in the Complex and Technological Hazards section. These are legacy definitions from the EM-DAT project and do not refer to a particular glossary serving as an international standard.
About Definitions
Some definitions have undergone minor modifications or derivations, which are noted at the end of each section. Some terms, which are not explicitly defined in the referenced glossaries, have been left undefined. As notified in the Disaster Classification System, the Hazard Information Profiles (HIPs) serve as a comprehensive glossary for those interested in the definitions of different hazard types that are beyond the EM-DAT scope.5.1 - Biological Hazards
Term | Level | Definition | Source |
Biological hazard | Subgroup | A hazard caused by exposure to living organisms and/or their toxic substances (e.g., venom, or mold) or vector-borne diseases that they may carry. Examples are venomous wildlife and insects, poisonous plants, algae blooms, and mosquitoes carrying agents that causes disease such as parasites, bacteria, or viruses (e.g., malaria). | IRDR |
Animal incident | Type Subtype | Human encounters with dangerous or exotic animals in both urban and rural environments. | IRDR |
Epidemic | Type | Either an unusual, often sudden, increase in the number of cases of an infectious disease that already existed in the region (e.g., flu, or E. coli) or the appearance of an infectious disease previously absent from the region (e.g., plague, or polio). | EM-DAT1 |
Infectious disease | Subtype (General) | Either an unusual, often sudden, increase in the number of cases of an infectious disease that already existed in the region (e.g., flu, or E. coli) or the appearance of an infectious disease previously absent from the region (e.g., plague, or polio). | IRDR1 |
Bacterial disease | Subtype | An unusual increase in the number of cases caused by exposure to bacteria either through skin contact, ingestion, or inhalation. Examples include salmonella, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), and cholera, among others. | IRDR2 |
Parasitic disease | Subtype | An unusual increase in the number of cases caused by exposure to a parasite, i.e., an organism living on or in a host. Exposure to parasites occurs mostly through contaminated water, food, or contact with insects, animals, etc. Examples are malaria, Chagas disease, giardiasis, and Trichinellosis. | IRDR2 |
Viral disease | Subtype | ||
Fungal disease | Subtype | An unusual increase in the number of cases caused by exposure to fungi either through skin contact, ingestion, or inhalation of spores. Examples are fungal pneumonia, fungal meningitis, etc. | IRDR2 |
Prion disease | Subtype | A type of biological hazard caused by prion proteins. Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are characterized by long incubation periods and neural loss. Examples are Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), Kuru, etc. | IRDR2 |
Infestation | Type Subtype (General) | The pervasive influx, swarming and/or hatching of insects, worms, or other animals affecting humans, animals, crops, and perishable goods. | IRDR3 |
Grasshopper infestation | Subtype | Infestation of grasshoppers (insects). | IRDR3 |
Locust infestation | Subtype | Infestation of locusts (insects). | IRDR3 |
Worm Infestation | Subtype | Infestation of worms. | IRDR3 |
5.2 - Climatological Hazards
Term | Level | Definition | Source |
Climatological hazard | Subgroup | A hazard caused by long-lived, meso- to macro-scale atmospheric processes ranging from intra-seasonal to multi-decadal climate variability. | IRDR |
Drought | Type Subtype | An extended period of unusually low precipitation that produces a shortage of water for people, animals, and plants. Drought is different from most other hazards in that it develops slowly, sometimes even over the years, and its onset is generally difficult to detect. Drought is not solely a physical phenomenon because its impacts can be exacerbated by human activities and water supply demands. Drought is therefore often defined both conceptually and operationally. Operational definitions of drought, i.e., the degree of precipitation reduction that constitutes a drought, vary by locality, climate, and environmental sector. | IRDR |
Glacial lake outburst flood | Type Subtype | These floods occur when water held back by a glacier or moraine is suddenly released. Glacial lakes can be at the front of the glacier (marginal lake) or below the ice sheet (sub-glacial lake). | IRDR1 |
Wildfire | Type Subtype (General) | Any uncontrolled and non-prescribed combustion or burning of plants in a natural setting such as a forest, grassland, brush land or tundra, which consumes natural fuels and spreads based on environmental conditions (e.g., wind, or topography). Wildfires can be triggered by lightning or human actions. | IRDR |
Forest fire | Subtype | A type of wildfire in a wooded area. | IRDR |
Land fire (Brush, Bush, Pasture) | Subtype | A type of wildfire in a brush, bush, pasture, grassland, or other treeless natural environment. | IRDR2 |
5.3 - Extra-terrestrial Hazards
Term | Level | Definition | Source |
Extra-terrestrial hazard | Subgroup | A hazard caused by asteroids, meteoroids, and comets as they pass near to the Earth, enter the Earth’s atmosphere, and/or strike the Earth, and by changes in interplanetary conditions that effect the Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. | IRDR |
Impact | Type | A type of extra-terrestrial hazard caused by the collision a meteoroid, asteroid, or comet with the Earth. | IRDR |
Airburst | Subtype | An explosion of a comet or meteoroid within the Earth’s atmosphere without striking the ground. | IRDR |
Collision | Subtype | An impact caused by the collision of a meteoroid, asteroid, or comet with the Earth’s ground. | IRDR1 |
Space weather | Type | A general term for extra-terrestrial weather conditions driven by solar eruptions such as geomagnetic storms, radio disturbances, and solar energetic particles. | IRDR |
Energetic particles | Subtype | Emissions from solar radiation storms consisting of pieces of matter (e.g., protons and other charged particles) moving at very high speed. The magnetosphere and atmosphere block (solar) energetic particles (SEP) from reaching humans on Earth but they are damaging to the electronics of space-borne technology (such as satellites) and pose a radiation hazard to life in space and aircraft traveling at high altitudes. | IRDR |
Geomagnetic storm | Subtype | A type of extra-terrestrial hazard caused by solar wind shockwaves that temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere. Geomagnetic storms can disrupt power grids, spacecraft operations, and satellite communications. | IRDR |
Shockwave | Subtype | A shockwave carries energy from a disturbance through a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) similar to the action of a wave, though it travels at much higher speed. It can be a type of extra-terrestrial hazard caused by the explosion (airburst) or impact of meteorites that generate energy shockwaves capable of shattering glass, collapsing walls, etc. | IRDR |
Radio disturbance | Subtype | Triggered by x-ray emissions from the Sun hitting the Earth’s atmosphere and causing disturbances in the ionosphere such as jamming of high and/or low frequency radio signals. This affects satellite radio communication and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). | IRDR |
The “Collision” definition is derived from the IRDR “Impact” and “Airburst” definitions. ↩︎
5.4 - Geophysical Hazards
Term | Level | Definition | Source |
Geophysical hazard | Subgroup | A hazard originating from solid earth. This term is used interchangeably with the term geological hazard. | IRDR |
Earthquake | Type | Sudden movement of a block of the Earth’s crust along a geological fault and associated ground shaking. | IRDR |
Ground movement | Subtype | Surface displacement of earthen materials due to ground shaking triggered by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. | IRDR |
Tsunami | Subtype | A series of waves (with long wavelengths when traveling across the deep ocean) that are generated by a displacement of massive amounts of water through underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. Tsunami waves travel at very high speed across the ocean, but as they begin to reach shallow water they slow down, and the wave grows steeper. | IRDR |
Mass movement (dry) | Type | Any type of downslope movement of earth materials under hydrological dry conditions. | IRDR1 |
Avalanche (dry) | Subtype | A large mass of loosened earth material, snow, or ice that slides, flows, or falls rapidly down a mountainside under the force of gravity. Debris Avalanche: The sudden and very rapid downslope movement of a mixed mass of rock and soil. There are two general types of debris avalanches. A cold debris avalanche usually results from an unstable slope suddenly collapsing whereas a hot debris avalanche results from volcanic activity leading to slope instability and collapse. | IRDR |
Landslide (dry) | Subtype | Any kind of moderate to rapid soil movement incl. lahars, mudslides, and debris flows (under dry conditions). A landslide is the movement of soil or rock controlled by gravity and the speed of the movement usually ranges between slow and rapid, but it is not very slow. It can be superficial or deep, but the materials must make up a mass that is a portion of the slope or the slope itself. The movement has to be downward and outward with a free face. | EM-DAT |
Rockfall (dry) | Subtype | ||
Sudden subsidence (dry) | Subtype | Sinking of the ground due to groundwater removal, mining, dissolution of limestone (e.g., karst sinkholes), extraction of natural gas, and earthquakes. In this case, the sinking occurs under dry conditions as a result of a geophysical trigger. | IRDR2 |
Volcanic activity | Type Subtype (General) | A type of volcanic event near an opening/vent in the Earth’s surface including volcanic eruptions of lava, ash, hot vapor, gas, and pyroclastic material. | IRDR |
Ash fall | Subtype | Fine (less than 4 mm in diameter) unconsolidated volcanic debris blown into the atmosphere during an eruption; can remain airborne for long periods of time and travel a considerable distance from the source. | IRDR |
Lava flow | Subtype | The ejected magma that moves as a liquid mass downslope from a volcano during an eruption. | IRDR |
Pyroclastic flow | Subtype | Extremely hot gases, ash, and other materials with a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius that rapidly flow down the flank of a volcano (at more than 700 km/h) during an eruption. | IRDR |
Lahar | Subtype | Hot or cold mixture of earthen material flowing down the slope of a volcano either during or between volcanic eruptions. | IRDR |
The definition of “Mass movement (dry)” is adapted from the “Mass movement” IRDR definition. ↩︎
The first definition sentence of “Sudden subsidence (dry)” is the definition of “Subsidence” in the IRDR glossary. The second sentence has been added to distinguish this class from “Sudden subsidence (wet)” in the hydrological group. ↩︎
5.5 - Hydrological Hazards
Term | Level | Definition | Source |
Hydrological hazard | Subgroup | A hazard caused by the occurrence, movement, and distribution of surface and subsurface freshwater and saltwater. | IRDR |
Flood | Type Subtype (General) | A general term for the overflow of water from a stream channel onto normally dry land in the floodplain (riverine flooding), higher-than-normal levels along the coast (coastal flooding) and in lakes or reservoirs as well as ponding of water at or near the point where the rain fell (flash floods). | IRDR |
Coastal flood | Subtype | Higher-than-normal water levels along the coast caused by tidal changes or thunderstorms that result in flooding, which can last from days to weeks. | IRDR |
Flash flood | Subtype | Heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time that produces immediate runoff, creating flooding conditions within minutes or a few hours during or after the rainfall. | IRDR |
Riverine flood | Subtype | A type of flooding resulting from the overflow of water from a stream or river channel onto normally dry land in the floodplain adjacent to the channel. | IRDR |
Ice jam flood | Subtype | The accumulation of floating ice restricting or blocking a river’s flow and drainage. Ice jams tend to develop near river bends and obstructions (e.g., bridges). | IRDR |
Mass movement (wet) | Type | Types of mass movement that occur when heavy rain or rapid snow/ice melt send large amounts of vegetation, mud, or rock down a slope driven by gravitational forces. | IRDR1 |
Avalanche (wet) | Subtype | A large mass of loosened earth material, snow, or ice that slides, flows, or falls rapidly down a mountainside under the force of gravity. Snow Avalanche: Rapid downslope movement of a mix of snow and ice. | IRDR |
Landslide (wet) | Subtype | Any kind of moderate to rapid soil movement incl. lahars, mudslides, and debris flows (under wet conditions). A landslide is the movement of soil or rock controlled by gravity and the speed of the movement usually ranges between slow and rapid, but it is not very slow. It can be superficial or deep, but the materials must make up a mass that is a portion of the slope or the slope itself. The movement has to be downward and outward with a free face. | EM-DAT |
Rockfall (wet) | Subtype | ||
Sudden subsidence (wet) | Sinking of the ground due to groundwater removal, mining, dissolution of limestone (e.g., karst sinkholes), extraction of natural gas, and earthquakes. In this case, the sinking occurs under wet conditions as a result of a hydrological trigger (e.g., rain). | IRDR2 | |
Mudslide | Subtype | ||
Wave action | Type | Wind-generated surface waves that can occur on the surface of any open body of water such as oceans, rivers, or lakes. The size of the wave depends on the strength of the wind and the distance traveled (fetch). | IRDR |
Rogue wave | Subtype | An unusual single crest of an ocean wave far out at sea that is much higher and/or steeper than other waves in the prevailing swell system. | IRDR |
Seiche | Subtype | A standing wave of water in a large semi- or fully-enclosed body of water (lakes or bays) created by strong winds and/or a large barometric pressure gradient. | IRDR |
The “Mass movement (wet)” definition is adapted from the IRDR definition of “Debris flow, mud flow, rock fall”. ↩︎
The first definition sentence of “Sudden subsidence (wet)” is the definition of “Subsidence” in the IRDR glossary. The second sentence has been added to distinguish this class from “Sudden subsidence (dry)” in the geophysical group. ↩︎
5.6 - Meteorological Hazards
Term | Level | Definition | Source |
Meteorological hazard | Subgroup | A hazard caused by short-lived, micro- to meso-scale extreme weather and atmospheric conditions that last from minutes to days. | IRDR |
Extreme temperature | Type | A general term for temperature variations above (extreme heat) or below (extreme cold) normal conditions. | IRDR |
Cold wave | Subtype | A period of abnormally cold weather. Typically, a cold wave lasts for two or more days and may be aggravated by high winds. The exact temperature criteria for what constitutes a cold wave may vary by location. | EM-DAT |
Heat wave | Subtype | A period of abnormally hot and/or unusually humid weather. Typically, a heat wave lasts for two or more days. The exact temperature criteria for what constitutes a heat wave may vary by location. | EM-DAT |
Severe winter conditions | Subtype | Damage caused by snow and ice. Winter damage refers to damage to buildings, infrastructure, traffic (esp. navigation) inflicted by snow and ice in the form of snow pressure, freezing rain, frozen waterways etc. | EM-DAT |
Fog | Type Subtype | Water droplets that are suspended in the air near the Earth’s surface. Fog is, in fact, simply a cloud that is in contact with the ground. | IRDR1 |
Storm | Type Subtype (General) | ||
Derecho | Subtype | Widespread and usually fast-moving windstorms associated with a convection/convective storm. Derechos include downburst and straight-line winds. The damage from derechos is often confused with the damage from tornadoes. | IRDR |
Hail | Subtype | Solid precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or balls of ice more than 5 mm in diameter. | IRDR |
Lightning / Thunderstorms | Subtype | A high-voltage, visible electrical discharge produced by a thunderstorm and followed by the sound of thunder. | IRDR2 |
Sand/Dust storm | Subtype | Strong winds carrying particles of sand aloft, but generally confined to less than 50 feet (15 m), especially common in arid and semi-arid environments. A dust storm is also characterized by strong winds but carries smaller particles of dust rather than sand over an extensive area. | IRDR |
Storm surge | Subtype | An abnormal rise in sea level generated by a tropical cyclone or other intense types of storm. | IRDR |
Tornado | Subtype | A violently rotating column of air that reaches the ground or open water (waterspout). | IRDR |
Winter storm/Blizzard | Subtype | A low-pressure system in winter months with significant accumulations of snow, freezing rain, sleet, or ice. A blizzard is a severe snowstorm with winds exceeding 35 mph (56 km/h) for three or more hours, producing reduced visibility (less than 0.25 miles (400 m)). | IRDR |
Extra-tropical storm | Subtype | A type of low-pressure cyclonic system in the middle and high latitudes (also called a mid-latitude cyclone) that primarily gets its energy from the horizontal temperature contrasts (fronts) in the atmosphere. When associated with cold fronts, extra-tropical cyclones may be particularly damaging (e.g., European winter/windstorm, or Nor’easter). | IRDR |
Tropical cyclone | Subtype | A tropical cyclone originates over tropical or subtropical waters. It is characterized by a warm-core, non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone with a low-pressure center, spiral rain bands and strong winds. Depending on their location, tropical cyclones are referred to as hurricanes (Atlantic, Northeast Pacific), typhoons (Northwest Pacific), or cyclones (South Pacific and Indian Ocean). | IRDR |
Severe weather | Subtype |
5.7 - Complex and Technological Hazards
Term | Level | Definition | Source |
Complex disaster | Group Subgroup Type Subtype | Major famine situation for which drought was not the main causal factor. Removed from EM-DAT in September 2023.1 | EM-DAT |
Industrial accident | Subgroup Type Subtype (General) | Disaster type term used in EM-DAT to describe technological accidents of an industrial nature/involving industrial buildings (e.g. factories). | EM-DAT |
Miscellaneous accident | Subgroup Type Subtype (General) | Disaster type term used in EM-DAT to describe technological accidents of a non-industrial or transport nature (e.g., involving houses). | EM-DAT |
Chemical spill | Type Subtype | Accident release occurring during the production, transportation, or handling of hazardous chemical substances. | EM-DAT |
Collapse (Industrial) (Miscellaneous) | Type Subtype | Accident involving the collapse of a building or structure. Can either involve industrial structures or domestic/non-industrial structures. | EM-DAT |
Explosion (Industrial) (Miscellaneous) | Type Subtype | Explosions involving buildings or structures. Can involve industrial structures. | EM-DAT |
Fire (Industrial) (Miscellaneous) | Type Subtype | Urban fire involving buildings or structures. Can involve industrial structures. | EM-DAT2 |
Gas leak | Type Subtype | ||
Oil spill | Type Subtype | ||
Poisoning | Type Subtype | Poisoning of atmosphere or water courses due to industrial sources of contamination. | EM-DAT |
Radiation | Type Subtype | ||
Transport accident | Subgroup | Disaster type term used to describe technological transport accidents involving mechanized modes of transport. It comprises four disaster subtypes (i.e., Air, Water, Rail, and Road). | EM-DAT |
Air | Type Subtype | Transport accidents involving airplanes, helicopters, airships, and balloons. | EM-DAT |
Water | Type Subtype | Transport accidents involving sailing boats, ferries, cruise ships, and other vessels. | EM-DAT |
Rail | Type Subtype | Transport accidents involving trains. | EM-DAT |
Road | Type Subtype | Transport accidents involving motor vehicles on roads and tracks. | EM-DAT |
6 - Hazard and Disaster Magnitude Units
Some disaster types may have a reported magnitude in the Magnitude
and Magnitude Scale
columns of the EM-DAT Public Table. EM-DAT disaster magnitude scales vary depending on the disaster type. The table below specifies magnitude property and units for related disaster types.
Disaster Type | Magnitude property | Magnitude Unit or Scale |
Earthquake | Size of the earthquake derived from its physical properties | Moment Magnitude1 |
Flood | Flood extent (area) | km² (square kilometers) |
Drought | Drought extent (area) | km² (square kilometers) |
Extreme temperature | The recorded extreme temperature (maximum or minimum depending on whether it is a heat or a cold wave) | °C |
Epidemic | Number of vaccinated people | Vaccinated people2 |
Wildfire | Wildfire extent (area) | km² (square kilometers) |
Storm | Recorded wind speed | kph (kilometer per hour) |
Industrial accident (Chemical spills) | Chemical discharged volume | m³ (cubic meter) |
See the following USGS Document. ↩︎
As the magnitude column provides additional hazard-specific information, it is used to report the number of vaccinated people for epidemics. However, it may not be a good indicator of the magnitude of the epidemic, which is also captured by the health impact. ↩︎
7 - Impact Variables
7.1 - Human Impact Variables
Five variables describe the human impact of disasters in the EM-DAT Public Table:
Human Impact Variables
Total Deaths
, which includes reported deaths and missing people,No. Injured
,No. Affected
,No. Homeless
, andTotal Affected
, which is the sum ofNo. Injured
,No. Affected
, andNo. Homeless
The reported total number of deaths (column Total Deaths
) includes confirmed fatalities directly imputed to the disaster plus missing people whose whereabouts since the disaster are unknown and so they are presumed dead based on official figures.
Aside from fatalities, the number of injured people (column No. Injured
) is entered when the term “injured” is written in the source. Any related word like “hospitalized” is considered as injured. If no precise number is given, such as “hundreds of injured,” 200 injured will be entered (although this figure is probably an underestimate).
The number of affected people (column No. Affected
) is often mentioned and is widely used by different actors to convey the extent, impact, or severity of a disaster in non-spatial terms. If only the number of families affected or houses damaged are reported, the figure is multiplied by the average family size for the affected area (×5 for developing countries, ×3 for industrialized countries, according to the UNDP country classification).
Calculation of `No. Affected` (Examples)
- Number of houses damaged: 50 × 5 = 250 affected (although this figure is probably an underestimate).
- If the value ranges from a minimum to a maximum: the average is taken.
- Thousands affected: 2,000 affected (although this figure is probably an underestimate).
Similarly, the indicator No. Homeless
is mentioned whenever it is found in reports. If only the number of families that are homeless or houses that are destroyed are reported, the figure is multiplied by the average family size for the affected area (x5 for developing countries, x3 for industrialized countries, according to the UNDP country list).
Calculation of `No. Homeless` (Examples)
- Number of houses destroyed: 50 × 5 = 250 homeless (although this figure is probably an underestimate).
- If the value ranges from a minimum to a maximum: take the average.
- Thousands homeless: 2,000 homeless (although this figure is probably an underestimate).
Finally, the indicator Total Affected
is the total of injured, affected, and homeless people. For each disaster and its corresponding sources, the population referred to in these statistics and the apportionment between injured, affected, homeless, and the total is carefully checked by CRED staff members.
Human Impact and Conceptual Uncertainties
The terms “dead,” “injured,” and “homeless” are more straightforward than “affected persons.” The definition of “affected persons” varies across sources and lacks a universal standard. Besides, for disasters such as droughts or heatwaves, which have ambiguous spatiotemporal boundaries, determining the number of casualties can be challenging. CRED directly uses numbers in EM-DAT as they appear in original sources, even if there are uncertainties in these figures. More details on these uncertainties can be found in the section on General Issues.Usually, at least the field Total Deaths
or Total Affected
are found in EM-DAT records as these numbers are involved as entry criteria. However, records often contain incomplete impact statistics (see Accounting Biases).
7.2 - Economic Impact Variables
Six variables describe the economic impact of disasters in the EM-DAT Public Table:
Economic Impact Variables
Reconstruction Costs ('000 US$)
,Reconstruction Costs, Adjusted ('000 US$)
,Insured Damage ('000 US$)
,Insured Damage, Adjusted ('000 US$)
,Total Damage ('000 US$)
, andTotal Damage, Adjusted ('000 US$)
These six statistics are the three same statistics (Reconstruction Costs ('000 US$)
, Insured Damage ('000 US$)
, and Total Damage ('000 US$)
) repeated to also provide an amount corrected for inflation, i.e., “Adjusted” (See Economic Adjustment). Damage and costs are converted and expressed in thousands of US dollars (‘000 US$).
Underreporting of Economic Losses
Economic damage resulting from disasters is largely underreported. In EM-DAT, figures tend to be available only for high-impact disasters in countries with insurance and reinsurance coverage. This issue is described in the Specific Biases section, in particular, in the Accounting Biases section.Reconstruction costs are different from total damages as they must consider the current construction or purchase costs of goods, as well as the additional cost of prevention and mitigation measures designed to reduce damage from future disasters. Hence, when reconstruction costs are specified, they are usually greater than the total damage.
Insured damage is usually reported by reinsurance companies that publish figures about disaster losses, e.g., MunichRe, SwissRe, or AON. When insured damage is reported, the total damage is generally reported from the same source for consistency.
8 - Spatial Information and Geocoding
Country Codes (ISO-3)
In the EM-DAT Public Table, the ISO
column indicates a 3-letter (alpha-3) code representing a specific country, e.g., “BEL” for Belgium. This code is presented according to the international standard ISO-3166 determined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Due to historical changes in the countries’ denomination or boundaries, you may find country codes that are not found in the current ISO 3166 alpha-3 country codes. These extensions are listed in the table below.
The extensions to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 norm are the results of historical changes in the norms used. Please note that CRED aims to deliver data within an accurate spatiotemporal context. The way the EM-DAT data is presented and documented on this website does not reflect any geopolitical views held by the CRED, or the views of our partners, including the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.Country codes are particularly useful to link the EM-DAT tabular data to a spatial layer using a Geographic Information System (GIS), spatial database, or geoprocessing programming library.
United Nations M49 Standard Country or Area Codes
The UN M49, also known as the Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use (Series M, No. 49), is a set of area codes formulated by the United Nations for data analytics. This standard is curated and upheld by the United Nations Statistics Division. The UN M49 alpha-3 codes largely overlaps with the ISO-3166 alpha-3 norm.
From September 2023 onward, the EM-DAT Public Table refers to the Country
, Region
, and Subregion
names as found in the UN M49 standard. Codes used for the EM-DAT extensions to the ISO alpha-3 codes and UNM49 are listed in the table below.
Alpha-3 Code | Country Name | Region | Subregion |
ANT | Netherlands Antilles | Americas | Latin America and the Caribbean |
AZO | Azores Islands | Europe | Southern Europe |
CHA | Channel Islands | Europe | Western Europe |
CSK | Czechoslovakia | Czechoslovakia | Eastern Europe |
DDR | German Democratic Republic | Europe | Western Europe |
DFR | Germany Federal Republic | Europe | Western Europe |
SCG | Serbia Montenegro | Europe | Southern Europe |
SPI | Canary Islands | Africa | Northern Africa |
SUN | Soviet Union | Europe | Eastern Europe |
YMD | People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen | Asia | Western Asia |
YMN | Yemen Arab Republic | Asia | Western Asia |
YUG | Yugoslavia | Europe | Southern Europe |
TWN | Taiwan (Province of China) | Asia | Eastern Asia |
GAUL Index and Admin Levels
Since 2014, EM-DAT has relied on the Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL) implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). EM-DAT provides loss statistics at the country level, which corresponds to GAUL Admin-0 level. In addition, the EM-DAT Public Table mentions in the Admin Units
column which region is affected by the disaster up to the Admin-2 level (e.g., districts). The mapping of EM-DAT disaster events at this higher level of geographical precision has only been completed for data since 2000. Nevertheless, the Admin-0 human and economic impact variables at the country level are not disaggregated between regions at the Admin-1 or Admin-2 level. Hence, only the occurrence is available at a more precise administrative level, and the impact variables remain representative of the country level.
GAUL Maintenance
Since 1990, GAUL has provided the most reliable spatial information on Administrative Units for all countries in the world down to the second administrative level (e.g., districts). However, it has no longer been maintained since its last version was released in 2015. In the future, EM-DAT may depend on alternative datasets such as the GADM Database of Global Administrative Areas.
For disaster loss dataset mapping EM-DAT with GADM, you may refer to:
Rosvold, E. L. and Buhaug, H.: GDIS, a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations, Sci Data, 8, 61,, 2021.
9 - EM-DAT Sources of Information
The EM-DAT database is compiled from various sources, including United Nations, governmental and non-governmental agencies, insurance companies, research institutes, and the press. As of September 2023, the most common sources are included in the table below. For futher inquiries on the data collection and selection process, see EM-DAT Protocols.
Source name | Category | Type of disasters covered |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) / ReliefWeb | United Nations | Natural hazards |
World Food Programme (WFP)1 | United Nations | Drought/Famine |
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | United Nations | Natural hazards |
World Health Organization (WHO) | United Nations | Epidemics |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)1 | United Nations | Drought/Famine |
United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) | United Nations | Natural hazards |
National Governments (Reports) | National Gov. | Natural and technological hazards |
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | United States | Natural hazards (America) |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | United States | Natural hazards |
Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) | United States | Natural and technological hazards |
US Geological Survey (USGS) | United States | Earthquakes |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | United States | Epidemics |
National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI, formerly the National Geophysical Data Center - NGDC)1 | United States | Natural hazards |
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) | European Union | Natural hazards |
Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO) | Research center | Floods, landslides and storms |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) | Humanitarian aid organization | Natural and technological hazards |
World Bank (Reports) | Inter-Governmental Organizations | Major natural hazards and disasters |
SwissRe | ReInsurance Companies | Natural and technological hazards |
MünichRe | Reinsurance Companies | Natural hazards |
AON Benfield | Reinsurance Companies | Natural hazards |
Lloyd’s casualty magazine (paid subscription)1 | Reinsurance Companies | Natural hazards |
Agence France Press (paid subscription) | Press/Other | Natural and technological hazards |
Reuters1 | Press/Other | Natural and technological hazards |
The new humanitarian (former IRIN News)1 | Press/Other | Natural and technological hazards (mostly Africa) |
FloodList | Press/Other | Floods |
Wikipedia | Press/Other | Natural and technological hazards |
Plane Crash Info | Press/Other | Transport accidents (Air) |